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منتدي جمعه ابراهيم

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جمعه ابراهيم
جمعه ابراهيم

تاريخ التسجيل : 08/05/2009
العمر : 49

جميع تعريفات قطع الجهاز هنا Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: جميع تعريفات قطع الجهاز هنا   جميع تعريفات قطع الجهاز هنا I_icon_minitimeالأحد 28 يونيو 2009, 5:07 am

Welcome to DriverGuide

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جميع تعريفات قطع الجهاز هنا Dude

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جميع تعريفات قطع الجهاز هنا Devicesجميع تعريفات قطع الجهاز هنا Devices

Let's face it, finding the right device driver or firmware can be a tedious, time consuming, and often impossible task! DriverGuide was created to make staying up to date a whole lot easier. With the help of thousands of our members, we have compiled a massive database of drivers, firmware, and support ********s that is by far the largest and most comprehensive on the Web. Here is what DriverGuide will do for you:

  • Provides an easy step-by-step process for finding and installing drivers.
  • Offers a huge searchable archive of hundreds of thousands of driver/firmware files, manufacturer information, and links.
  • Includes discussion boards that give members the opportunity to interact with others with their hardware type, and learn from their experiences (very useful!).
  • Offers a drivers found area where members can upload new and hard to find drivers for others to download.
  • Provides a driver request board where members can make requests for specific drivers.
  • Includes resources for Windows, Mac, Unix/Linux, and other platforms.
  • Provides links to helpful tutorials, valuable utilities, and other resources.
  • Offers a great collection of old, out of date, and hard to find drivers.
  • Membership gives you access to more downloads, more features, and is absolutely FREE! Members are given lifetime access to this site.
  • Since opening in 1997, millions of people have joined DriverGuide!
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